2C/282 Brunker Rd, Adamstown NSW 2289

Meet Exercise Physiologist Sara Briscoe-Hough

At the beginning of this month, we had the pleasure of welcoming a new Exercise Physiologist, Sara Briscoe-Hough, to the Newcastle Integrated Physiotherapy team. 

Sara is originally from Tamworth but has spent the last 3 and a half years in Newcastle. 

Sara has been passionate about exercise for a long time, training at the gym since she was 17 and working as a personal trainer for a year. As a personal trainer, Sara worked with men and women from 18 to 74 years old.

“One of my clients was a lady in her 70s who was fitter than most of my other clients. She was a marathon runner but had no cartilage in one of her knees, which meant she had to train very carefully to maintain movements and stay active,” said Sara. Learning to adapt exercises to suit her client’s unique needs is what inspired Sara to begin studying her four-year Exercise Physiology degree.

For Sara the best part of her job is seeing people make positive changes and get excited about their results and progress. She is excited to be able to help people, which is what drew her to the career in the first place.

When she’s not at work, Sara enjoys going out to eat with friends and is also a power-lifter. “Lifting heavy stuff makes me feel strong and powerful,” shared Sara.

To book an appointment with Sara, please call us on 4957 2961.

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